Asian Wedding Photographers and Videographers, creating beautiful images that last a lifetime.

East West Photography Ltd

The Asian Wedding Photographers


Asian Wedding Photography

Decades of experience of wedding photography & video in London, UK and exotic destinations. East West Photography is a team of professional award winning photographers who have raised the bar in the Asian Wedding Industry. We specialise in covering all types of wedding events to include, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Zoroastrian, Sikh and Christian wedding ceremonies.

Asian Wedding Video

Wedding video and photography, capturing weddings through photo and film.  Creating everlasting images and visions which will take you back to your special day for decades to come. Harnessing the latest technology to create stunning images, video and wonderful memories.

Portrait Photography

Our portrait images will  surprise and amaze you. Stunning images that capture the irreplaceable moments of your wedding or special occasion, birthday, anniversary. We can also create striking images for editorial, advertising, PR, interiors ,studio or lifestyle

Commercial Photographer

Experts in fashion photography, room sets, food and product shots.  Images that stand out from your competitors, grab your customers’ attention and increase sales. We take pride in offering photography for Fashion, Film work and Make-up Artist Portfolios.  Our work highlights how we have adapt  to suit the needs of our clients.   Our Global/International coverage will include work from locations like; America – Washington, Australia – Melbourne, Canada – Toronto, Italy – Sardinia, Kenya – Nyeri – Nairobi – Kericho – Mombasa, Spain – Barcelona, India – Jaipur – Punjab – Delhi – Goa.